Welcome to Stars Preschool's Site
STARS (Striving To Achieve Real Success) was formed in 2000 by a group of parents and teachers who were concerned about the lack of pre-school provision for young children with autism. We ran a trial social skills group in Kilrea Health Centre attended by up to 10 children with autism, their siblings and parents on a weekly basis, and a behavioural psychologist from the autism charity PEAT was available for consultation. We ran two successful Summer Schemes in Crossroads PS during 2001 and 2002, and parent information evenings were held over the winter periods. In 2003 we acquired 3 years’ funding to establish a pre-school (from The Children’s Fund) and a NOF Capital Grant (Building Quality Childcare) to complete and furnish premises attached to Kilrea Health Centre. STARS is run by a management committee made up of experienced individuals who are teachers and parents- some of whom have children with autism- and we have 5 members of staff.